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Waves Blockchain Hackathon
14 Dec - 07:01 PM
Moskva, Russia
Три дня на площадке Digital October в Москве будет проходить хакатон по блокчейну, где вы сможете:
- Решать задачи и предлагать свои решения
- Принять участие в воркшопах и поработать со смарт-контрактами Waves
- Познакомиться с командой Waves, пообщаться с жюри и модераторами хакатона.
В хакатоне можно принять участие как с командой, так и индивидуально. Для участия необходимо владеть Scala и Python и пройти вступительное задание. Победители каждого трека хакатона получат призы.
Unblock Hackathon
06 Apr - 12:00 AM
Moskva, Russia
Blockchain Institute R&D Lab и Binary District приглашают на 48-часовой блокчейн-хакатон для разработчиков. От нас — нетривиальные задачи, призы, ведущие эксперты блокчейн-сообщества и перспектива получить предложение о сотрудничестве. От вас – смелость, драйв и готовность создать оригинальные решения в одной из самых сложных, динамичных и современных областей разработки.
Blockchain for E-governance
16 Jan - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Can blockchain revolutionise Government? Experts from University College London and electronic ID solution Procivis debate the issue at our London meet up. Get your new year off to a great start by meeting blockchain experts and debating the future of the industry. Sign up for FREE here: — 18:30 - Networking 18:30 — 18:45 - Welcoming words 18:45 — 19:00 - Binary District Education Center: Fostering learning and innovation 19:00 — 19:30 - E-voting on blockchain, Patrick McCorry, Research Associate at University College London 19:30 — 20:00 - Blockchain tech for e-governance, Daniel Gasteiger, Founder and CEO of Procivis 20:00 — 20:15 - Closing remarks 20:15 — 21:00 - NetworkingSPEAKERS- PATRICK MCCORRY is a Research Associate at University College London. His focus is cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, cryptography and decentralised systems. McCorry was awarded the first prize in the Creative Cyber Security Hackathon hosted by Newcastle University, Lancaster University, Raytheon and BIS (Department for Business and Innovation, UK); and the third prize in the Economist Cyber Security Challenge.- DANIEL GASTEIGER has over 20 year experience in the financial services sector. Before co-founding Procivis, an electronic ID solutions company built on integrated e-government platform eID+, Gasteiger began his career as as an FX trader at Credit Suisse. He then went on to work at UBS where he built up and managed the Office of the Chairman as a Managing Director.Please make sure to REGISTER at How blockchains can be implemented to support government agencies and public services? Join us in examining the technical and legal constraints, reviewing examples of global governments that have already adopted blockchain technology, and discussing future trends in the digitisation of government services.